You don’t know it, my friend
But you are my rock, my anchor
Life has been a bumpy ride
On a latex boat with a hole in it
Doing the best I can in turbulent seas
And sometimes I’ve felt lost
Parents obliged to be there
Vanish into thin air
Consumed by selfish motives, not giving me a care
Family follows suit, with middle fingers in the air
Friends, like butterflies, from place to place
flit and float, whispers on the wind
Men come and men go
They play with my heart, making it swell to the size of the moon, and then they poke it, and it fizzles and shrivels in a helter-skelter beeline to nowhere
And through it all, there’s you
You’re there
A rock. A grounding point. A lighthouse on a turbulent sea.
In a dinghy with a hole in it
In shark-infested waters
My anchor is there for me
When I’m happy or sad, giddy or mad, you’re THERE
When everything in the world swirls and whirls around us, the anchor brings us back to who we are
Thank you, my beautiful friend
In a sea of variables, my constant